YouTube - RipStik TV Commercial

Razor リップスティック シルバー

A:ブレイブボード / RipStik / Razor / キックボード

R:ブレイブボード / RipStik / Razor / キックボード

YouTube - RipStik TV Commercial
Just twist and go! The RipStik® Caster Board brings the carving thrill of surfing and snowboarding to dry land! Its unique twisting motion moves you forward with out ever pushing off the ground! The RipStik®'s 360 degree inclined casters and pivoting deck provide a unique carving motion. A concave deck and traction plates provide increased foot control. The RipStik® Caster Board comes equipped with 76mm urethane wheels and high performance bearings for an unbelievably smooth ride. All you do is twist and go! The RipStik® Caster Board, like nothing you've ever ridden!

【CM放送中!】 ブレイブボード RipStik シルバー


Razor リップスティック シルバー

Razor リップスティック シルバー