iPhone SDKは正式版へ

iPhone in Action: Introduction to Web and SDK Development

Amazon:iPhone / iPhone SDK / Apple / Objective-C

今朝(たぶん)、iPhone SDKは正式版に移行したようです。ログイン前のiPhone Dev Centerでも、これまではあった(n)th beta versionという表記が消えています。
2061:Maxオデッセイ » Blog Archive » iPhone SDKは正式版へ

詳解 Objective-C 2.0
Mac OS X、およびiPhone開発者必携!!

Leopardの登場とともに機能拡張されたアップルプロダクトの標準プログラミング言語Objective-Cを徹底解説。その歴史的背景から、smaltalk直系の言語仕様、Mac OS X上での開発の実態まで、これ1冊ですべてわかる。

詳解 Objective-C 2.0

詳解 Objective-C 2.0

iPhone Open Application Development

iPhone Open Application Development

iPhone Open Application Development

The iPhone Developer's Cookbook: Building Native Applications for the Iphone (Developer's Library)

iPhone Developer’s Cookbook, The: Building Applications with the iPhone SDK (Developer's Library)

iPhone Developer’s Cookbook, The: Building Applications with the iPhone SDK (Developer's Library)

Beginning iPhone 2 SDK Development (Beginning)

Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK (Beginning From Novice to Professional)

Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK (Beginning From Novice to Professional)

iPhone Programmer's Road Map: A Guided Tour of the Official Sdk

iPhone Programmer’s Road Map: A Guided Tour of the Official SDK

iPhone Programmer’s Road Map: A Guided Tour of the Official SDK

Iphone in Action: Introduction to Web and Sdk Development

iPhone in Action: Introduction to Web and SDK Development

iPhone in Action: Introduction to Web and SDK Development